Thursday, June 6, 2013

Rainy Thursday 2 Days Before the Wedding

Yup, my sister, Sarah, is getting married to the sweetest guy (Adam) the day after tomorrow! Did I mention I fixed them up? Wish I could do that for myself, lol. I am seriously bummed I don't have a date to the wedding but I didn't to my other sister's wedding so I know I can do this :o)

Today the tent is being delivered at my Mom's-- I hope! It's raining pretty hard now. Maybe it will taper off...

Tonight Adam's brother's are coming over so we can practice the music for the ceremony. They have great voices and skills! I think we all sound pretty good  together ;o) If I get a recording/video I'll share it with you all. After practice I'm going to try and commandeer them into helping me hang hundreds of feet of lights and all the paper lantern's I ordered.

The first shot is my bridemaid's dress ♥

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